Latest about HPE Discover
How HPE plans to combat generative AI’s 'dirty secret'
By Jane McCallion published
Analysis With high-intensity workloads meaning high energy usage, does AI risk gaining the same reputation as crypto?
HPE Discover 2023: All the announcements from the Day Two keynote
By Jane McCallion last updated
Keep up-to-date with all the day two announcements live from HPE Discover 2023
HPE and Equinix partner to speed up GreenLake private cloud deployments
By Jane McCallion published
Pre-provisioned, fully hosted instances of GreenLake for Private Cloud Enterprise will be available from August
What GreenLake for Large Language Models says about HPE's strategy
By Jane McCallion published
Analysis Move over, edge and hybrid cloud, there's a new business pillar in town
HPE offers up HPC for AI training with GreenLake for Large Language Models
By Jane McCallion published
The company hopes to make supercomputing more accessible for organizations wanting to train their own AI
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